
NEXTRADE has managed through its business development growth startegie to cooperate with the following leading entreprises by being an authorized seller or distributer in the territory of Iraq:


AEG Power Solutions ensures continuous availability of power and the safe operation of critical applications in all environments. AEG PS has a proven track record for developing solutions for highly demanding applications in all types of infrastructures.


With headquarters in Austria, KRAL GmbH was founded in 1950 and has been an independent family enterprise ever since. KRAL develops and manufactures high quality screw pumps, flowmeters and technical systems. Pump packages, pump skids and compact double pump stations complete our offerings and are often custom made to meet customer requirements and specifications.


Established in 1953, Winters Instruments is a global manufacturer of pressure and temperature instrumentation: Pressure Gauges, Thermometers, Pressure Transmitters, Pressure Switches, Diaphragm Seals, Thermowells and related accessories.